Thursday, December 17, 2015

New Lego Batman V Superman Sets Surprisingly Dropping in Two Weeks

We're just a few months away from one of the biggest superhero movies of 2016, and somehow, we still haven't seen too many toys and collectibles for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. We've seen a few figures here and there, but for the most part, all the collectibles and toys coming from the upcoming film have been largely kept under wraps. For some reason though, DC and Warner Brothers thought this week would be a good week to start letting some of those collectibles out in the wild. I mean, it's not like there's anything else happening in the geek world now, so why not sneak a few toys out to see if anyone notices? Thanks to the paragon of comic book and nerd lifestyles, The Wall Street Journal, we have an idea of what Lego's plans for BVS:DOJ now look like. The paper unveiled three new building block sets, all of which will be available beginning on January 1, 2016. That's like two weeks away. Nothing like surprising audiences with new toys just days after the holidays and with little notice. Continue reading…

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