Thursday, December 17, 2015

Carol Danvers Gets A Haircut, Punches Asteroids In 'Captain Marvel' #1 [Preview]

January 20th sees the return of the one true Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, to a solo title. The book is written by Agent Carter showrunners Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters, with art by Kris Anka (Uncanny X-Men). After a series about her adventures on Earth, followed by a series about her adventures in deep space, this third volume of Captain Marvel finds Carol in orbit. She's leading a new version of Alpha Flight, which seems to be replacing SWORD as Earth's first defense against alien attacks.

We don't see the team in this preview, but we do see Abigail Brand, sporting some questionable sunglasses and one of those amazing Kris Anka sneers.

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