Thursday, December 17, 2015

Buy This Book: If You Only Ever Read One 'Suicide Squad' Story, This Should Be It

If you take a quick look through the archives here at ComicsAlliance, one of the first things you're going to figure out is that I like John Ostrander, Kim Yale, and Luke McDonnell's classic run on Suicide Squad a lot. It's one of my all-time favorite comics, and while it never quite seemed to get the recognition of contemporaries like Justice League International, it ended up forming the foundation of a big chunk of how DC would approach storytelling in the modern era. And now, after years of being relegated to dollar boxes, it's finally seeing print thanks to the upcoming movie. But that's all stuff that you know already, and to be honest, if I haven't convinced you that these are stories you should be picking up by now, there's a good chance that nothing I could say here is going to change your mind. At the same time, this month saw the release of the second volume of the collection, and if you read one set of Suicide Squad stories, this should be it. Continue reading…

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