Monday, October 5, 2015

The Omega Men Get A (Literal) King's Ransom In 'Omega Men' #5 [Preview]

If you haven't been keeping up with Tom King and Barnaby Bagenda's Omega Men, well, you need to get on that because it's easily one of DC's most compelling comics. It's a space opera with a political twist, a story about cultures trying to conquer each other and an insurgency that's trying to resist a far-reaching government and a compelling character piece about manipulation and duty that still has time for wry jokes and fight scenes involving a giant tiger-man named Tigorr. It's got a lot going for it is what I'm saying. Anyway, the story so far has found the Omega Men kidnapping both Kyle Rayner (after faking his death) and a space princess who turned out to be in on the whole thing, and now, as the series closes in on its forecast halfway point, they're set to ransom her back to her father. The trick is, it might all be a plot to get at the Space Pontifex. If that sounds rad, and it should, check out the pages below! Continue reading…

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