Thursday, October 22, 2015

'Arrow' Post-Show Analysis: Season 4, Episode 3: 'Restoration'

It’s time for another installment of Pointed Commentary, the feature where grizzled Arrow watcher Matt D. Wilson and newcomer Chris Haley dig into the details of Team Arrow cleaning up the filthy, crime-ridden streets of Star City. This week’s episode, 'Restoration', divides its time between Nanda Parbat, where someone may just be coming back to life, and Star City, where the team takes on a metahuman while Dig investigates the death of his brother (maybe he should take him to Nanda Parbat, too). Plus, more island stuff than we’ve seen in other episodes! Wendey Stanzler serves as director, and Wendy Mericle and Speed Weed (yes, Speed Weed) turned in the script. Continue reading…

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