Friday, October 16, 2015

Ask Chris #262: Where Oh Werewolf; Do Werewolves Make Everything Better?

Q: Are there any superheroes who can't be improved by making them also a werewolf? -- @daveexmachina A: My friends, I am being 100% real with you when I say that questions like this are exactly why I started writing this column in the first place. So let's see here. If you go back and look at my work over the past ten years, it's probably going to be pretty clear that when it comes to your classic Halloween monsters, werewolves don't really do much for me. I am and will always be a Dracula man, but I can't deny that throwing in some extra hair, a couple of claws, and an uncontrollable monthly blood lust is something that could make pretty much any character in comics a whole lot more interesting. Which, now that I think of it, is probably why it's actually happened way more than you might remember. Continue reading…

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