Friday, September 25, 2015

Try Not to be Super-Grossed Out By Tweeterhead's Classic Two-Face Statue

I'm a grown man who writes about toys, games and comics on the Internet, so when I tell you this Two-Face statue makes me want to throw up, you know I mean it as a compliment. Tweeterhead's latest Batman Classic statue is a fairly spot-on rendering of the man formerly known as Harvey Dent from the Dick Sprang era. As gnarly as Two-Face's design has gotten over the years, there's something to be said for how gag reflex-inducing this incarnation still is all these decades later. Now, you might be thinking this Two-Face isn't actually that bad-looking. Why on Earth would this version be more terrifying to look at than the Aaron Eckhart version from The Dark Knight, or the version from the Batman and Two-Face storyline? Well, I'll tell you. It's all about trypophobia. The paint app on this Two-Face's scarred eye is eerily reminiscent of the louts seed head, which is commonly used to give people with trypophobia the heebie-jeebies. Two-Face is already repulsive enough, but this version's eye just keeps staring at me, giving me the immediate urge to look away. It's not often you can say that about a character design from the '50s, so good job, Tweeterhead. Continue reading…

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