Thursday, September 3, 2015

On The Cheap: DC's TV-Themed Sale Has 'Green Arrow: Year One' For Six Bucks (And 'Gotham Central' Too)

Right now, Comixology is offering a big sale themed around DC's various TV projects, and with the impending return of Gotham and its story of a ten year-old billionaire destined to beat up a bunch of senior citizens, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that Gotham Central is right there, front and center. And yes, obviously you should get that if you don't have it already, because while it was coming out, it was literally the best Batman title of the decade. But here's the thing: We talk about Gotham Central on this site all the time. I have literally already written a column about how great it is this week, so if you haven't checked it out by now, then it's not for lack of recommendations. If, however, you dig a little deeper into the sale, you're going to find some under-appreciated gems that don't get quite as much press despite being truly fantastic comics --- and by that, I mostly mean Green Arrow: Year One. Continue reading…

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